
  • Muhammad Talha Bilal PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi. Pakistan
  • Hafiz Muhammad Tayyab PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi. Pakistan
  • Muhammad Arshad Ullah PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi. Pakistan
  • Mr. Arshad Mahmood National Agricultural Research center, Islamabad. Pakistan



Islamic economics and conventional economics, Riba, Qard, Murabahah


Interest is the price paid for the use of money or credit. Islam religion teachings are very close to nature. Islam prohibits interest rate and promotes Qarz-e-hasna (Give money to the needy people without interest). Interest disturbs the economics of the society. Higher interest rates increase the cost of consumption and less saving. It also damages the confidence between the consumers and producers. Interest rates increase the unemployment in the world. Pakistan budget always showed deficit due to the payment of loans attained with the highest interest rates. The goods purchase by the loans with interest rates increased the cost of production and ultimately failed the economics.


. Al-Quran 2:275-276,278-279, 3:130, 4:161 and 30:39.

. Abu Hurairah R.A. Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasai

. Aun Bin Abu Juhaifah R.A. Sahih Bukhari, Volume3, No.299

. Bible Deuteronomy 23:19, Leviticus 25:36 and Exodus 22:25

. Chapra, Mohammad Umar, 1957.What is Islamic Economics?(IDB Prize Winners' Lecture Series No. 9 (1);76P

. Hazrat Abu Hurairah R.A. Ahmed narrated in Abu Dawud, Nisai, and Ibnmajah

. Hazrat Jabir R.A. reported in Mishkat-ul-Masabih

. Iravani, M. B., 1999. (

. Khurshid A, Khalid R and Zahid A, 1995 Elimination of Riba from the Economy” by Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad, pp1-10

. Kiaee H and Nadri K, 2012 Interest Rate in the Open Market Operation Mechanism: Is It Also Subject to Prohibition by Shariah? Series on Public Policy, No. 39, pp. 195–214.

. Samura bin jundab R.A. SahihBukhari, 2.468

. Shajari H and kamalzadeh M, 1995.The interest rate and Islamic banking. Islamic Economic studies 3 (1); 115-123.

. State bank of Pakistan, 2016. Interest rate registered on 30 July, 2016

. Tariq Talib al-Anjari, 2008. Islamic Economic and Banking


