
  • Sung Jang Chung, MD, PhD 3909 Vaiwood Dr, Nashville, TN 37215, USA Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System, Morristown, Tennessee, USA




The Creator God, Jesus Christ, Confucius, Kim Hang, Chung Mong Ju, Maitreya Buddha, Spiritual World, Korea, Gautama Buddha. Medium


The fundamental structure of the spiritual world and consciousness of the humanity are unknown to human beings. Except for teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Kim Hang and other saints of the major world religions, to my knowledge, no accepted theory is yet established. There have been countless conflicts, arguments and even prosecutions and wars in the history of mankind due to discrepancies in opinions and interpretations regarding the truth among religions and science. For the ultimate purpose of seeking the truth, the author attempted in this study to find the structure of the invisible, unknown spiritual world, and further to possibly glimpse beyond the physical world. The author had unusual and exceptional psychic and spiritual experiences since my childhood and young age. In this study, I would like to describe my experiences and to share with readers my valid valuable real experiences.   


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