
  • VO Thi Kim Thao Hue University of Sciences, Hue University, 77 Nguyen Hue St., Hue, Vietnam



Relations, defense, security, Singapore, the United States (U.S.)


In the period of 1990 – 2012, Singapore and the United States had established close ties in most aspects of national defence and security: use of military bases and military deployments (upgrading from navy, air force, to COMLOG WESTPAC headquarters, aircraft carriers, coastal warships), annual joint drills, R&D in defense technology, weapon and equipment supply, armed forces co-training, deployment of maritime security initiatives, strategic dialogue on international/regional security forecasting. The MoU 1990 and followed by the Strategic Framework Agreement 2005 had enhanced this strategic security relationship and the two sides had perceived each other as a major security partner but not an ally. This special relationship reflects the flexibility and independence of Singapore, the high reliability and mutual strategic interests of the two countries. This paper presents the factors affecting this relations, including: international and regional context, the need for cooperation from the two countries, some highlights on Singapore – US relations in defense and security affairs (1990-2012) and analyses some features and effect of this relations.


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