
  • Syafri Arief




Organizational culture, motivation, job satisfaction Commitment, performance of employees


This study Aimed to analyze the influence of organizational culture, motivation and job satisfaction through a commitment to the performance of employees at the Department of Animal Husbandry and Keswan South Sulawesi Province. This research is explanatory research conducted during the two months from March to May, 2015. The population of as many as 135 people and using stratified random sampling. Determination of the number of samples based on the sample tables developed by Issac and Michael, the which if a population of 135 people, then at the level of 95%, the number of samples of 113 people. Analysis of the data is used is path analysis. The results Showed that the variables of organizational culture, motivation and job satisfaction, organizational commitment through together (simultaneously) positive and significant impact on employee performance variables at the Department of Animal Husbandry and Keswan South Sulawesi Province.


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