
  • Yakobus Paluru Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Employed at Unit of Distance Learning Program Open University, Palu, Middle Sulawesi



Environmental potential of culture, learning, and character education


Student learning passion can be built through learning tasks are meaningful in the lives of students. The context of the environment is an important factor in developing teaching and learning activities. In society, there is a number of valuable cultural potential that is functional for student life. The potential wealth has not been used optimally in the world of education. Environmental education seeks not only emphasizes the doctrine and habituation. Environmental education seeks to apply the principles and methodology towards the character formation of students through an integrated curriculum developed at the school. Learning to use the environment is more contextual and more beneficial to the lives of students in the community. However, in general, teachers have not been made of planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning exploit the potential of the environment. This happens because the teachers do not fully understand the process of learning through observation environment by utilizing the potential of the cultural environment.


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