
  • Nata Irawan, MSc Director General of Facilitation on Village Government, Ministry of Home Affair, Republic of Indonesia, Doctorate Candidate of Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Prof. Dr. Yuli Andi Gani Professor in Public Policy, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Dr. Suryadi Associate Professor in Public Policy, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Andi Fefta Wijaya, Ph.D Associate Professor in Public Policy, Brawijaya University, Indonesia



Village Act, affirmative policy, village government, public services


A great affirmative policy of Law 6/2014 on Village in Indonesia operates recognition principle for village’s existense, and subsidiarity principle for village autonomy. Conducting quantitative method, this research concludes that implementation of Law 6/2014 has influenced to increase effectiveness of public services. Village officials already understand the Law clearly and consistently. Increasing of effectiveness of public services is affected by increasing of village officials training, village officials capacity, availability of rural resources, and support of socio-economic environment


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