
  • Eyayu Kasseye Bayu
  • Dr. Emile Sunjo



Conflict, Internal displacement, Ethnic based violence, IDPs, Ethiopia


Internal displacement has emerged as one of the world's greatest human disasters today. IDMC 2023 statistics showed
that, there are approximately 77.1 million internally displaced persons. It causes death and property damage, food
insecurity and starvation, family disruption, psychological and physical problems on IDPs. Hence, the objective of this
study was to examine the prevalence of conflict-induced internal displacement in Ethiopia from 2017 to 2023, and
identify the situations of IDPs housed in IDPs camps of North-western Ethiopia (Amhara region). The data was
collected from 415 surveyed IDPs, 14 interviewee and 8 key informants. The secondary sources i.e. published articles
and IDMC data were taken. Descriptive statistics and textual analysis were used to analyse the data.
The result demonstrated that, a total of 670,999; 187,592, and 1,431,682 persons were displaced within the regions and
within the country due to the escalation of conflict before 2018, during 2018, and in 2019 respectively. This shows that
an enormous tragedy also referred to as a human catastrophe occurred in the Ethiopian historic event in 2019, with
about 1.432 million people fleeing their homes because of inter-communal violence in the country. As a result of conflict
and violence, more than 2.9 million people have been internally displaced in the country since 2020. Hence, from 2008
to December 2021, the overall number of internal displaced people in Ethiopia was more than 5,142,000, whereas the
total number of IDPs due to conflict is more than 3,589,000 as of the end of 2021. As of March 2022, an estimated
5,582,000 people were internally displaced within Ethiopia as a result of armed conflict and disasters, with 2,848, 0001
IDPs in the Amhara, Afar, and Tigray regions. Nearly 3.9 million people living in displacement because of conflict and
violence across Ethiopia at the end of 2022. Based on the findings, a significant number of displaced people housed in
IDP camps did not have shelter, shortage of food and nonfood items, rare safe drinking water sources, high sickness
and death, limited sanitation, health and hygiene services. Additionally, IDPs did not have security protection, which
prevent them from physical and psychological harms, and did not receive any protective and resilient support from
government to their survival in the dwelled camp sites. In conclusion, Ethiopia represented the highest proportion of
IDPs in the global displacement numbers. Conflict-induced displaced persons housed in the camps of Amhara region
are living in desperate conditions. Therefore, federal government of Ethiopia should work towards addressing the
causes of conflict and ethnic based violence, human rights protection, and political commitment with regional
governments on the issues of IDPs for durable solutions.

Author Biographies

Eyayu Kasseye Bayu

Studying at Pan African University Institute of Governance, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Governance and
Regional Integration (Regional Integration Option), University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

Dr. Emile Sunjo

Senior Lecturer in International relations and Conflict Studies, Buea, Cameroon


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