The Positive Impact of Sport on Individual and Societal Health: A Critical Review


  • AL Ghamdi, Abdulaziz Othman
  • Bin Shehail, Fahad Mohammed
  • AL Hariqi, Ibrahim Ali
  • AL Mutairy, Hind Mehmas
  • AL Rashidi, Ahmad Mueallath
  • AL Mutairi, Aggab Sager
  • AL Anazi, Abdulrahman Kaseb



Sport, Physical Health, Social Cohesion, Weight Management, Stress Reduction


This article critically reviews the positive impacts of sport on both individual health and societal well-being. It examines various dimensions, including physical health, mental health, social cohesion, and economic benefits. Regular participation in sports is shown to significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, assist in weight management, and improve musculoskeletal health. Moreover, engaging in sports contributes to mental health by reducing stress, alleviating depression, enhancing cognitive function, and boosting self-esteem. On a societal level, sports foster community building, enhance social skills, and decrease antisocial behavior, promoting social integration and inclusion. The economic benefits are equally notable, with increased sports participation leading to substantial healthcare savings, productivity gains, and growth in the sports industry. However, challenges such as access and equity, injury risks, cultural barriers, and ethical concerns are also addressed. This review synthesizes findings from a broad range of studies to provide a comprehensive understanding of how sport can serve as a catalyst for improving health outcomes at both the individual and community levels. Recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers are provided to maximize these positive impacts and address existing challenges.

Author Biographies

Bin Shehail, Fahad Mohammed

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

AL Hariqi, Ibrahim Ali

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

AL Mutairy, Hind Mehmas

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

AL Rashidi, Ahmad Mueallath

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

AL Mutairi, Aggab Sager

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs

AL Anazi, Abdulrahman Kaseb

Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs


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