Workplace spirituality, competitiveness, religiosityAbstract
Though several measuring instruments for workplace spirituality have been developed to understand its effect within organizations, there is a need to develop multidimensional instruments that could show a comprehensive reality of workplace spirituality. However, there is no literature analysis identifying the ways of measuring spirituality within measuring instruments, making difficult their identification and consideration for the development of comprehensive measuring instruments. This work qualitatively analyzes concepts and measuring instruments of spirituality, religiosity, and faith to identify frequently used scale categories, and to ease future integral multidimensional research by the use of a multidimensional conceptual model. We also analyzed the disclosed scale categories within measuring instruments to find science gaps. We identified four measuring kinds in which spirituality and religiosity are studied. Also, we found that the analyzed instruments measure spirituality, religiosity, and faith partially, according to the found scale categories. This article suggests a basis to comprehensively develop future studies.
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