
  • Touitou Department of mass communication Babcock University, Iiish-Remo, Oun State, Nigeria
  • Tina C Department of mass communication Babcock University, Iiish-Remo, Oun State, Nigeria




Unemployment, National Development, Mass Media


This paper  focuses  on  unemployment  as  one  of  the  biggest  problem  confronting  Nigeria  nation today  and  its  development.  It  is  the  root  cause  of  poverty,  youth  restiveness,  gangsters,  bank robbery, kidnapping, assassination, and other sort of deviant behavior. The unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labor force. As at March 29, 2015, the unemployment rate of the country was 23.90%. One of the stringent issues in Nigeria is unemployment. These create stunt growth and development in Nigeria economy. Despite the  devastating  effects  of  unemployment, the  mass  media  still  gives  hope  for  securing  a  job  or creating one for the populace. The mass media tries in its own little way to curb unemployment in Nigeria to develop the economic life of Nigerian citizens. The paper concluded, saying that the nation must see youth unemployment as a monster that is debilitating our collective being. Instead of amassing military arsenal on kidnappers and bank robbers, should fight their root-cause which is youth unemployment.


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