
  • Tagor Manurung Universitas Victory Sorong Indonesia manurung240363 Budiyanto, Nur Fadjrih Asyik, STIESIA Surabaya, Indonesia



Job Satisfaction, Performance, Teacher and PTS Sorong


The purpose of this study are: (1) to test the effect of organizational commitment to job  satisfaction of the lecturer in the college town of Sorong; (2) to test the effect of compensation  of job satisfaction as a teacher in the college town of Sorong; (3) to test the effect of working  conditions on the job satisfaction of the teacher in the college town of Sorong; (4) to test the  effect of organizational commitment in college lecturer performance Sorong city; (5) to test the  effect of compensation professor performance in Sorong City College; (6) to test the effect of  operating conditions on the performance of teachers in colleges in Sorong; (7) to test the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of teachers in the College of Sorong.

The method used is a method of research survey, a study conducted in populations large and  small, but the data examined data and samples from the population, so that the found events  relative, distributisi,  as well as the relationship between the variables of sociological or psychological.

The results of this study suggest that the organizational commitment and compensation for the effect on satisfaction with the work of teachers in the college town of Sorong, so Hypothesis 1 (H1) and Hypothesis 2 (H2) can be taken as true. While working environment does not affect the work satisfaction of teachers in the college town of Sorong, so Hypothesis 3 (H3) cannot be accepted as true. Organizational commitment, compensation and working conditions, they also have a significant impact on the performance of teachers in colleges in Sorong, thus hypothesis 4 (the H4), Hypothesis 5 (H5) and Hypothesis 6 (H6) can be taken as true. While the work itself satisfaction is also a significant impact on the performance of teachers in colleges in Sorong, so Hypothesis 7 (H7) can be taken as true.


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