
  • Nandan Bhattacharya UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Jadavpur University, Salt Lake Campus, Block LB, Plot No. 8 Sector – III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 098, West Bengal, India



Darwin, Competition, Variation, Natural selection


Great debate and controversy arises regarding the structure and status of human intraspecific competition and natural selection. The analysis of the form of natural selection especially intraspecific competition in human society reveals quite a lot of anomaly. Major differences in relation to the intraspecific competition and natural selection between man and other species in natural world are analysed and human competition is proposed to be completely unique in nature. The uniqueness was found to be occurred with respect to the resource generation, consideration of variation and artificial hindrances to share the natural wealth. The fundamental cause of such departure of man from the other species is suggested to be an outcome of class differentiation and division of labour. The paper intends to review the schools of opinions regarding the said issue and be going to recommend that the only way to bring back Homo sepiance sepiance under the common rule of natural selection is to eradicate these artificial hindrances or maintain the equality to share the natural resources.  



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