
  • Mayra Margarito Gaspar mxUniversidad de Guadalajara, Mexico



Textbook, image, basic education, national identity, Mexican identity


Official free textbooks for basic education have been consolidated as the main instruments for teach in Mexican classrooms and fort he institutionalization of the school praxis. Since they  are  designed  following  the  approach  of  the  educational  reform  current at the time, teaching practices are usually focused on these materials that, to a certain extent, determine the dynamics, activities and information that students receive. Children attend school to build knowledge and achieve an integral development. The function of formal education is not limited to the dissemination and transmission of data and facts, but also it contributes to the construction of an image of the subject, of his peers, of his space and of his role in society. Hence, the official educational editions have become an opportunity for the characterization of the Mexican people. This article attempts, precisely, to observe the construction of an image of national identity through the study of textbooks for schoolchildren. This analysis focuses on the volumes titled Spanish. Reading texts for the six grades of elementary education, distributed on the 2017-2018 school year


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