
  • Ayman Kh.R.Abou Noqaira ssistant professand the head of Journalism and Media Department at the Islamic University of Gaza –Palestine
  • Samee W.E.Harara Researcher in media studies-Gaza –Palestine



Propaganda, Websites, Jerusalem Issue


This  study  aimed  at  identifying  the  methods  of  propaganda  in  the  Israeli  Arabic-speaking websites  on  the  issue  of Jerusalem,  its  types  and  objectives, monitoring  the  most  important contents and sources and the propaganda forms that it uses. The  study is based on  the   descriptive research methodology  that used   the   survey methodology,  in  which  there  are the method  of  content  analysis, the  method  of  the  study  of mutual  relations  and the method  of  methodological comparison.  The study tool was in the content analysis form for the collection and classification of data and information. The study was  applied  to  a  sample  of  Israelin  Arabicwebsite,  the  Times  of  Israel  website,  and Al-masdar website,  in  the  period  from  1-7-2017  to  31-12-2017,  based  on  the  theory  of "prioritization."The study reached several results, most notably:a.  The  goal  of  distorting  the  facts  as  one  of  the  goals  of  Israeli  propaganda  ranked  first)27.4%(. In the second place, the goal of beautifying the imag eof Israel) 23.7 %(.B. The method of repetition as one of the methods of Israeli propaganda ranked first (23.9%), followed by the method of distracting attention (19.3%]


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