
  • Ertuğrul Taş Nuh naci yazgan university, faculty of arts and science, Department of psychology, kayseri- turkey
  • Meryem Vural Batik Ondokuz mayis university, faculty of education, Department of special education, samsun-turkey



Belgium, married woman, marital satisfaction, spousal support


This research was carried out to investigate the marital satisfaction and perceived spousal support in married women of Turkish origin living in Belgium. The study was carried out with a sample of 406 married women of Turkish origin and The Marital Life Scale and The Spouse Support Scale were used in the study. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was conducted to determine whether or not marital satisfaction and perceived spousal support mean scores of participants differ according to the mate selection, education level, perceived income level and working status. Results indicated that women of Turkish origin living in Belgium have reported a medium level of marital satisfaction and perceived spousal support and no significant difference was found between mean marital satisfaction and perceived spousal support in women married with a spouse from Turkey and women married a spouse from the Turkish community in Belgium. In addition, it was determined that women with higher education and women with higher income level and women who are working have tended to have higher marital satisfaction and perceived spousal support


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