
  • Imam Suyitno Indonesian Department, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang




Using ethnic, culture, rhetorical speech, Banyuwangi folk song


Using ethnic is one ethnic in Indonesia which is an indigenous tribe who live in Banyuwangi. Using ethnic has creativity and high productivity in creating of Banyuwangi folksongs. The lyric of Banyuwangi folksong uses Using language that is a product of a culture that reflects using ethnic culture. Speech in the song lyrics uses many narrative styles that utilize various forms of rhetoric to convey the messages of the culture. The diverse forms of rhetoric are used by Using ethnic to build civility in communication. This occurs because the Using language as a vehicle of everyday communication of using people does not have the social level in the language. Therefore, to build respect for other people, the communicant utilize various forms of rhetorical speech as a form of politeness.


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