
  • Maformba Eveline Akem Phd Laboratory of African Studies and the Diaspora University of Dschang, Cameroon.




Migration has become a very hot issue all over the world today with a lot of cultural challenges involved. People from the former European colonies in Africa who migrated to the metropolis after independence formed a cultural society. Because of equality in the metropolis, the migrants had a problem of integrating themselves in to the society. Despite what appears to be a large population movement, Gary Younge noted some time ago that people are not able to move as freely as commodities. There are always restrictions being put on people’s movements. Damian (2013) in ‘’African Culture and International Understanding’’, states that, too often a gloomy picture is painted of the future of African culture given the battering it is presently taking from the incursion of western ideas and culture.(p.15).


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