
  • Sung Jang Chung Address: Dr. Sung J. Chung, 3909 Vailwood Dr. Nashville, TN 37215, USA



Communal Freedom Democracy, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Behavioral Economics, Confucianism, Jeong Yeok, Ultron-Logotron Theory


 A scientific, economic relationship among self, society and nation is still not clearly known in sociology, economics and philosophy because of lack of concrete historical human data that would enable us to substantiate it. Humanity experienced many conflicting economic and political systems. Consequently, sociologists, economists and philosophers have been investigating to study the economic relationship among self, society and nation that may lead to a desirable political and economic system for individual and social prosperity. The author presented a desirable ideology of “communal freedom democracy” based on his theory of the science of self, society and nation that is derived from the perspective of his theory of the science of self, mind and body. In this study, the ideology of “communal freedom democracy” is compared with other theories related to socio-economic systems:  Ringmar’s “surviving capitalism”, Marx’s communism, socialism, Acemoglu and Robinson’s economic and political theory, Thaler's behavioral economics, and teachings related to economics in Confucianism. There is a considerable agreement between the ideology of “communal freedom democracy” and Ringmar’s “surviving capitalism”, Acemoglu and Robinson’s economic and political theory, or teachings related to economics in Confucianism.

The “communal freedom democracy” seems to be a desirable economic and political system that would contribute to achieve individual and social prosperity, and further harmony and peace in the society and nation.


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