Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): EPH - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (ISSN: 2208-2174)

 Engineer’s Publication House publishes articles on a variety of domains and backgrounds of the research area into which the author intends to publish. We cover all types of scholarly research original articles and publish them in the research database of Google Scholar, Crossref, Scholarsteer, CiteFactor, DRJI, Scientific Indexing Services, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Academic Resource Index - ResearchBib International Scientific Indexing (ISI), IFSIJ, SJIF, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources(ROAD), etc. In our articles, researchers from various fields provide unique, non-plagiarized, factual, and correct information on a variety of topics. Through their contributions and actions in their field of study, our timely readers and reviewers who are interested in their field of research have a good impact on our publications. In the same field of study, we act as a link between various subfields of research, exchanging any and all material required to elevate their research piece to a higher standard that is recognized by our team of editors and peers.

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (ISSN: 2208-2174)

Our publication house publishes open-access articles on various subjects on Humanities and Social Science topics such as Anthropology,  Business-studies, Communication-studies, Corporate-Governance, Corporate-organization, Criminology, Development-Studies, Economics, Education, law, languages, philosophy, religion and mythology, international relations, Gender-and-women's-studies, multicultural-and-regional-studies, Cross-cultural-studies, Business-Management, popular-culture, art-&-music, Archaeology, psychology, library, information-science, economics, History, Political-science, current-issues, communication-studies, demographics, Gender-&-Women's-study, Law, Philosophy, Human-rights, Regional-&-multicultural-studies, Sociology, arts-&-music, Entrepreneurship, Media-Studies, Languages, Mythology, Civil-services, Mass-media, Economics, English, History, Political-Science, etc., contributing to the society that is involved in promoting the communication of scientific research in humanities and social sciences.

Published: 2023-04-06